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Application Form for Designated Buildings

 Designated Bulidings :


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Buildings having contract demand 120KVA or more can be specified as Designated Consumer by BEE. Buildings with 500 sq m or more of conditioned area are likely to fall under the above load conditions. The Code which deals with mandatory and prescriptive requirements of new and existing buildings are related to this specified threshold area. It is important to mention here that these mandatory and prescriptive requirements are applicable only where the buildings has connected load of 100kW or more or Contract Demand of 120kVA or more. These buildings constructed earlier are not ECBC complied and consumption in different levels may not be as per the standards . BEE has laid down benchmark of energy consumption of different category of buildings in different levels.

The Energy Conservation Act,2001(52 of 2001) empowers central government under section 14(p) read with section 56(2)(1) to prescribe Energy Conservation Building code(ECBC).The code defines norms and standards for the energy performance of buildings and their components based on the climate zone in which they are located. Under the leadership of BEE, a committee of experts finalized ECBC in consultation with various stake holders in 2007,with an overall purpose to provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design and construction of buildings ECBC covers building envelop, heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, interior and exterior lighting system, service hot water, electrical power system and motors. The purpose of energy conservation building codes is to provide minimum requirements for energy efficient design and construction of buildings and their system. Existing buildings are to be retrofitted by BEE recommended equipments in order to reduce the losses in different levels.

List Of Designated Bulidings in Odisha(≥ 600KVA OR 500KW) :

1 .  Infosys Technologies Ltd, Bhubaneswar
2 .  Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar
3 .  United Builders, Cuttack
4 .  Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneswar
5 .  M/s TATA Consultancy Services, Bhubaneswar
6 .  SBI Local Head Office, Bhubaneswar
7 .  Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar
8 .  Nalco Bhawan, Bhubaneswar
9 .  Xavier’s Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar
10 .  Airport, Bhubaneswar
11 .  Mayfair Lagoon, Bhubaneswar
12 .  Suruchi Continental, Bhubaneswar (Pantaloon)
13 .  Swosti Premium Hotel, Bhubaneswar
14 .  Odisha High Court, Lalbag, Cuttack
15 .  Odisha Secretariate, Bhubanewsar
16 .  Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar
17 .  Board of Revenue Building, Cuttack
18 .  Police Head Quarters Building, Cuttack
19 .  Collectorate Building, Cuttack
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